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Cookie Cutters-Springfield, MO

Cookie Cutters-Springfield, MO (1671 reviews)

900 E Battlefield, Suite 168, Springfield, MO, 65807, United States

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You can book at Cookie Cutters-Springfield, MO Springfield online using our Book Now button located above. Select from a list of services offered, pick your favourite Cookie Cutters-Springfield, MO staff member and book from the dates available.

At Cookie Cutters Haircuts for Kids children get to enjoy more than the typical salon booster seat. They get to choose their favorite fantasy car to sit in during their haircut and each station has a wide selection of kids’ shows. If this doesn’t make their haircut experience happy, our stylists are equipped with bubbles, suckers and balloons to put your child at ease through the entire haircut experience.

We strive to provide a caring environment where we put both the child and the parent at ease. Our stylists are skilled in cutting hair for all children, and provide that extra special touch for those with special needs. Not all children like to get their haircut, we are aware of this struggle and do all we can to make the experience one that they will want to have again.

Book Now for a haircut experience that is Fun For Kids, Stress Free For Parents

Reviewed by 1671 customers (view comments)

The overall ranking and star rating is based on customer reviews received in the last 6 months. All customers that paid for a service at Cookie Cutters-Springfield, MO were requested to complete an independent review by mylocalsalon (a minimum of 26 reviews are required within the last 6 months to receive a ranking).

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Opening Hours

MON 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
TUE 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
WED 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
THU 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
FRI 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM
SAT 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
SUN Closed

Payments Accepted

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Ladies Cut Mens Cut Childrens Cut Upstyle Packages

What our customers are saying about us

Commented reviews only

04 Sep 2020
Overall Environment Care

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First of all, I booked online earlier that day, and when I arrived, I called from the lot to check in like they asked due to covid. Fine. I got to the door with child in hand, and there’s a sign on the door that says not accepting cards, must have cash... of course I didn’t.. and they failed to call me or mention when I that was ridiculous in of itself. But I went and got cash and then came back..Took my 3 year old boy in. The cut itself was subpar, rushed, but ultimately not terrible. The service and friendliness however was extremely rude and I will not be going back. The lady was getting aggravated that my son was pulling away slightly because of fear of the clippers, and used phrases like “ hold still, if you move and I mess up that would be your fault not mine, and mom won’t like that.” I felt so uncomfortable staying but didn’t wanna pull him out in the middle.. so I stayed quiet and got through. If you can’t be patient with a newly three year old you shouldn’t be cutting kids hair for a living. I don’t remember the ladies name unfortunately.

02 Sep 2023
Overall Environment Care

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Ultimate Question (Referral)


There was only one stylist in, she was not very friendly or observant. I will not use her as a stylist for my daughter again.

11 Nov 2023
Overall Environment Care

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Value for money

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15 Jan 2024
Overall Environment Care

Service Quality & Prof. Advice

Value for money

Ultimate Question (Referral)


The stylist did not listen to anything I wanted and then when she did cut bangs like I asked she cut way too short and did not ask on length before cutting. I was very unhappy and if I do visit the salon I will not be seeing this stylist.

06 Feb 2019
Overall Environment Care

Service Quality & Prof. Advice

Value for money

Ultimate Question (Referral)


I arrived with my hair up and put it back that way when I left. My hair looks nothing like what I asked, but wasn't comfortable asking them to fix it. This seemed ready for us to leave as soon as we arrived.

23 Feb 2023
Overall Environment Care

Service Quality & Prof. Advice

Value for money

Ultimate Question (Referral)


Literally 2 cuts with scissors, my daughter said she loves it. Stylist never ask me. It looks horrible, the appointment was for a shampoo and cut, stylist said look there I saved you money. I was not happy, will never take her back!!!

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